Restyling your kids room
Posted: 01 December 2022
An easy way to refresh any space, let them create their very own bedroom oasis with their favourite (for the moment) French Linen hues.
From the ones that love everything you give them, to the ones you swore used to love this. It can be hard to keep up with what your kids love as their interests grow and change with them. An easy way to refresh any space, let them create their very own bedroom oasis with their favourite (for the moment) French Linen hues.

Fresh Sheet Feeling
There are few feelings better than that of getting into bed with fresh sheets. More than just a feel good feeling, the colour of your bedding can also boost your mood! Kids are more likely to be brave and bold with their colour choices. Don't be afraid of letting them create a look they love filled with vivacious colours and patterns.

Instant Mood Boost
Discover the instant mood boost of Daisy French Linen. No matter the space, inject instant sunshine into any room with our favourite whimsical hue. We have instantly transformed this space by changing Olive's Quilt Cover from White to Daisy. Letting her playful nature shine, she has styled the French Linen Daisy Quilt Cover with the Lilac Sheet Set.