The Linen Press | February

The Linen Press | February

Posted: 26 February 2020

Welcome to The Linen Press. You join us weekly on Instagram as we discover more about our favourite creative Linen Lovers and get a sneak peek into their daily rituals.

Welcome to The Linen Press. You join us weekly on Instagram as we discover more about our favourite creative Linen Lovers and get a sneak peek into their daily rituals.

Meet Sandy

The creative director at Real Living Magazine. Sandy encompasses the meaning to be creative, dipping her toes into everything she can, including the beautiful Sydney ocean.

3 Things She Loves:

1. The Beach

2. Being on set/photoshoots

3. Her sentimental jewellery

Meet Sandy

Meet Kayla

Kayla is a creative business owner who has a feed colour palette we can only dream of!

3 Things She Loves:

1. Her dog

2. Breakfast in bed

3. Aperol

Meet Kayla

Meet Brooke

Brooke is a creative entrepreneur and a mum to the cutest little boy! She lives and breaths linen to both live in and wear.

3 Things She Loves:

1. Being by the ocean

2. Her little boy Acre

3. Relaxing in her favourite space; her bedroom

Meet Brooke

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