The best crookie recipe ever, an interview with Lilly Lloyd.
Posted: 12 March 2025
Meet Lilly Lloyd, a wellness lover, a nutrition expert, and one of our favourite bakers. If you keep up to date with our blogs (which you absolutely should) you might recognise some of her recipes.
Today, we’re sharing an Almond Croissant Cookie recipe that we can’t get enough of… while also going behind the scenes to learn more about Lilly’s journey as a nutritionist.

The Recipe
Almond Filling
1 Egg
30g Almond Butter
¼ Cup Coconut Sugar
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
¼ Tsp Almond Extract
150g Almond Flour
Cookies Dough
250g Butter, room temperature
120g Coconut Sugar
2 Tsp Vanilla
½ Tsp Almond Extract
300g Spelt White Flour
150g Almond Flour
Flaked Almonds
Icing Sugar

1. Filling - In a large mixing bowl whisk the egg, then add the sugar and whisk for another 30 seconds, add the butter, vanilla, almond extract and whisk further until combined. Fold through the almond flour and place in the fridge for 30 minutes or until firm.
2. Cookies - In a bowl beat together the butter and sugar for around 2-3 minutes. Add the almond extract - beat, add the flour, almond flour and salt - beat for at least 1 minute.
3. Using your hands, squeeze the dough into a ball before removing and adding the bench to knead until smooth.
4. Turn the oven on to 180 degrees, line a baking tray and remove the filling from the fridge.
5. From here, start to make the cookies, cut off a good amount of dough and roll it into a ball - flatten it and roll the filling into a tablespoon's worth of mixture. Add the filling ball into the centre and fold the cookie dough around the ball until all of it is covered. Press softly on the ball to make a cookie and sprinkle/push almond flakes into the cookie. Repeat this process until all mixture has been used and make sure the cookies have enough space to grow in the oven (2-3 cm apart).
6. Allow them to bake for 20-25 minutes before removing them and letting them cool for 10 minutes. Add them to a cooling rack and dust with icing sugar to finish them off!
A chat with Lilly...

Q: Can you share any stand-out moments from your journey as a nutritionist?
A: When I stepped into the clinic 3 months post graduating I had a dream client, she was a 15-year-old girl who was engulfed by an eating disorder. I was contacted by her concerned Mum first and I jumped at it, eating disorders and sports clients were my favourites to see when I was in the clinic (& still are!). This client is still my clinical highlight and still to this day her Mum can’t thank me enough for how much I helped her daughter overcome the ED demon. This clinical experience was another reason why I wanted to dive into the recipe-developing space. I love promoting a balanced wholefood way of eating and educating girls/women on how finding food freedom all starts by understanding what you’re putting in your body and the nutritional purpose behind foods. Moderation and listening to your body is key.
Q: Who’s a woman (past or present) that you’d love to have coffee with, and what would you ask her?
A: Donna Hay - I absolutely love everything about who she is and what she does, she’s always been a big inspiration for of mine and I’m obsessed with her books. I’d love to pick her brains on all things foodie and style/creation.
Past, would have to be my Nan, just to write down all her cooking methods and epic recipes.
Q: What first inspired you to start your Instagram page?
A: When I first started my Instagram page I was in my second year of University at Endeavour and I wanted to share all things nutrition and recipes to educate and inspire others. After graduating I wanted to share more of my recipe creations, as I found that’s what my audience was asking for the most or where I get certain products from. Baking/cooking has always been a huge part of my life since 5-year-old Lil times, the best memories of my childhood are cooking in the kitchen with my Nan or Mum, it’s always been therapeutic to me.
Q: What’s your favourite thing to make/bake?
A: That is a tough question for me, there are so many! I think to narrow it down would be anything that is minimal, simple yet nutritious and delicious. Recently, I’ve been loving to make slices or cakes and hiding nutritional goodies in them, such as, beetroot grated into chocolate bakes or collagen powder into slice bases.
Q: Finally, what’s one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
A: To trust your intuition, trust your feelings. Listening to how you feel about something is the most reassuring answer you can get. As a young over-thinking girly, I wish I knew this earlier as it’s been life-changing for me.