Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace

Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace

Posted: 05 March 2025

Heidi is all about inspiring and empowering others to live their healthiest, happiest lives through the practice of yoga and meditation.

Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
With a cup of tea in hand, we spoke about her journey, her dreams, and the best life advice she's ever received.

As part of The Dreamers Series (where we sit down with some truly inspirational women) we took a trip to Byron Bay to spend the day with Heidi - a yoga and meditation teacher.

With a cup of tea in hand, we spoke about her journey, her dreams, and the best life advice she's ever received.

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Ruby Lounge Set in White

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Ruby Lounge Set in White

Q: Your retreats must create some amazing moments. Is there a particular experience or story from one of them that has stayed with you?

A: It’s literally every single closing ceremony I’ve sat in on during a retreat. Each one absolutely blows my heart open. It’s so moving to listen, sense, and feel how deeply touched and transformed people are by the experience. Watching their profound transformation from day one to the closing circle is awe-inspiring every single time. It’s a moment where I’m reminded why I do what I do.

How has practising yoga changed your life, both on and off the mat? 

Q: How has practising yoga changed your life, both on and off the mat? 

A: Yoga has helped me cultivate a deep inner peace, which then ripples out into everything around me. It’s transformed how I see things, how I respond, and how I engage with life. One of the greatest gifts it’s given me is the ability to be deeply present with what is, without judgment. This presence allows me to respond thoughtfully instead of reacting impulsively, and it creates clarity in every situation, fostering peace and alignment in my relationships and in the way I move through the world.

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Relaxed Short in Ochre

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Relaxed Short in Ochre

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Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace

Q: Many founders talk about a defining moment when they decided to go all in on their dream. Did you have a moment like that you can take us back to, or was your journey more gradual?

A: For me, it was both a gradual unfolding and a pivotal moment. About 10 or 11 years ago, I found myself at rock bottom—overwhelmed by adrenal fatigue, panic attacks, and anxiety. That period of intense suffering became the catalyst for re-evaluating my life and doing things differently.

That shift led me to yoga teacher training, wellness mentoring, and integrative nutrition training, and eventually to discovering tea ceremonies and retreats. Looking back now, I can see that my whole life had been leading me to this path—even though I didn’t know it at the time.

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Ruby Lounge Set in White

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Ruby Lounge Set in White

Has there ever been a time when you felt like giving up on a dream (whether in your business or personal life)? What made you push through?

Q: Has there ever been a time when you felt like giving up on a dream (whether in your business or personal life)? What made you push through?

A: Of course, there have been many moments in both my personal and business life where I felt like giving up. I had my rock-bottom moments, particularly in that difficult period when I struggled with adrenal fatigue, panic attacks, and anxiety. What kept me going during that time was a deep inner knowing, combined with the love and support of my family. On the business side, I was reminded of my gifts and superpowers by the people around me. I love the story of Hanuman, where he forgot he was born with superpowers, and it took the people around him to remind him that he could fly and had the strength to help save Sita from the evil demon Ravana. In my life, whenever I’ve spiralled into self-doubt, it’s the people around me who have reminded me of my own superpowers and gifts, which have encouraged me to not give up.

Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
Finally, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Q: Finally, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

A: The best advice I’ve received has been shared with me over the years, especially by my dear teacher and friend, Rosie (Rose) Baudin. One phrase that has stayed with me is: “If it’s yours, it comes to you. If it’s not, it won’t.”

This wisdom has taught me the essence of aparigraha—non-attachment—and the importance of meeting reality as it is. It’s about letting go of control and trusting that what’s meant for you will flow naturally.

That practice of reality, combined with constant inner reflection and realignment, has been an anchor for me. It’s all about abhyasa, the unwavering commitment to inner practice. This advice has helped me navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and trust, reminding me to release what no longer serves and stay present for what truly matters.

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Ruby Lounge Set in Hazelnut

Heidi is wearing our French Flax Linen Ruby Lounge Set in Hazelnut

After reflection, Heidi emailed us with some additional bits of wisdom that we couldn’t help but share…

"Over the years, through the many hours on the yoga mat, sitting with my teachers, reading the books, and doing the practices, another profound gift has emerged: slowing down, simplifying, and creating space for what’s truly important. It’s not a quick fix or an overnight transformation—this journey requires putting in the work, showing up day after day, week after week, year after year, decade after decade. That’s where the big, beautiful, and profound shifts happen.

And within that dedication, there’s also space for Leela—the dance of life, the cosmic play, the way life unfolds moment by moment. The beauty lies in finding balance: showing up and doing the work while not taking yourself or life too seriously. Have fun with it, you know? Let it be light, playful, and full of curiosity, even as you stay committed. That’s where the joy is, where the rasa is.

Goodness gracious me, what a beautiful ride it all is once you access the map—that map being yoga!"

As part of these reflections, there are a couple of quotes I’d love to share, which have been profound guiding lights in my journey

"As part of these reflections, there are a couple of quotes I’d love to share, which have been profound guiding lights in my journey,

The first is a Joseph Campbell quote my teacher, Rosie, has shared with me many times: “The goal is to live with God-like composure, on the full rush of energy, like Dionysus riding the leopard without being torn to pieces.”

This quote reminds me of the delicate and dynamic balance of living a human life. It speaks to the art of being fully alive—embracing all of life’s energy, passion, and intensity—while remaining grounded and composed, not letting yourself be consumed by it. For me, it’s the dance between fully showing up for life and surrendering to the natural flow without resistance. It’s about cultivating an inner strength and centeredness that allows us to navigate the wildness of life with grace and presence.

The second is a simple yet powerful teaching I return to often: “Don’t try to reconcile contradictions. Encompass it all.” Or, as it’s often said, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

This teaching invites us to hold life in its fullness, to accept and integrate the paradoxes rather than rejecting what doesn’t fit neatly into our understanding. It’s a reminder to embrace both the light and the dark, the challenges and the blessings, because they all play a vital role in shaping our experience and growth.

I feel these ideas flow beautifully with the reflections I’ve shared about Lila—the cosmic play of life—and the balance of showing up, doing the work, and allowing space for joy, fun, and curiosity in the process."

Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace
Heidi Lampard's journey from rock-bottom to inner peace